Simple Tips To Invest in Home Decor for Vacation Rentals

The home decor vacation rental business can be a very lucrative experience. You can convert almost any type of property into one appropriate for vacation rentals. However, it is essential to have good colors and furniture layout to make all the difference. Here are some valuable tips for creating a cozy and welcoming feel.

Why It Is Important To Decorate And Updating Your Vacation Rental

The interior design of a vacation rental has the potential to affect its guests psychologically. Using different patterns and textures, the environment can elicit positive emotions from guests. Studies show that a calming climate reduces stress hormones, blood pressure, and anxiety levels. Most guests choose their vacation rental because of its design and location, especially millennials and Gen Z who care about social media. So, it is crucial to put your time and effort into decorating and updating it.

Set a Decor Theme For Your Vacation Rental Home

A large rounded mirror hanging above a minimalist looking sofa next to an artificial plant from Nearly Natural

Before buying any furniture or accessories, you should decide on a decor theme for your vacation rental home. A theme will guide you in your decorating decisions and can give your property a unique personality. To make your choice easier, think about the type of guests you'll be hosting. For example, a beach-themed property would have breezy colors and wooden furniture, while a city-themed property would have sleek, modern furniture.

You can also choose to use certain types of decor in your rental home. Some styles include modern, eclectic, or American colonial styles. Other themes may consist of colorful and whimsical textiles. In addition to a decor theme, you should also ensure that the interior of the vacation rental home is comfortable and cozy. Adding throw blankets, accent pillows, and soft throws will help make the home cozy. A plush comforter is a must on chilly nights.

Before furnishing your vacation rental home, decide what kind of style you want it to have. If you're a creative person, try setting a decor theme that matches your taste. You may be tempted to choose quirky textiles or American Colonial-style decor, but you'll want to make sure your guests don't feel claustrophobic or overly invasive.

How to Decorate The Outdoor Area of Your Vacation Rental Home

a large olive tree in a white planter decorate next to an entrance door

A well-designed outdoor space can add to the overall feel of your vacation rental home and help attract more guests. Adding thoughtful touches will make your outdoor space feel like a real oasis.

When decorating your vacation rental home, take note of the differences between the interior and exterior areas. The indoor spaces should be well-lit, while the outdoors should be spacious and comfortable. Adding a tv will make the room feel more welcoming and inviting. When it comes to putting up outdoor decorations, try to match the style and theme of the interior spaces. If you don't have time, invest in good furniture and pillows in complementary colors. Using colorful pillows will make the space look even more welcoming and inviting. A touch of greenery can go a long way, so if you have a corner that looks like it could use a boost in decor, try incorporating an outdoor artificial tree.

Guests will also appreciate the ability to enjoy the outdoors. Providing a place to sit and relax is a great way to differentiate your rental from the competition. By offering amenities to your renters, you will set yourself apart from the competition and earn excellent reviews. Your vacation will be more enjoyable if you've decorated your outdoor space with attention to detail. You can use the internet to search for ideas on how to decorate your outdoor area and follow us on social media where we curate some of the best home decor content.

Upgrade Your Kitchen of Your Vacation Rental Home

Panoramic picture of a minimalist looking kitchen

If you frequently have guests staying in your vacation rental home, consider upgrading the kitchen. The most common use of the kitchen is to cook meals, so investing in modern, easy-to-use appliances will help guests feel comfortable. The upgrades should be minimal, so midrange appliances will fit into the decor of any property. Changing the lighting fixtures is another simple way to update the kitchen. Try adding table lamps and recessed lighting for an updated look. If you're tight on budget, or you're thinking about adding a touch of greenery, consider incorporating artificial plants with minimalist-looking planters.

When deciding which features to update in the kitchen of your vacation rental home, you need to consider how old the property is, how many upgrades it has had, and what kind of appliances are in the kitchen. While you may not want to replace all of the instruments in the kitchen, you should replace the most used ones. The countertops and cupboards should also be replaced. Keep in mind that the more modern appliances are more likely to catch guests' eyes.

Upgrading the kitchen is the most expensive but effective way to improve rentability. Depending on how old the property is and how much has been upgraded, it may not be necessary to replace all the appliances in the kitchen. Newer models will stand out more in pictures and help attract more renters. The best way to ensure your vacation rental property is up-to-date is to upgrade the appliances.

Upgrade Your Bedroom of Your Vacation Rental Home

King sized bed decorated with boho-looking props and bed sheets

Before renovating your vacation rental home, ask yourself: which rooms should you upgrade? Would it be better to focus on one or two rooms? Then map out what your guest needs and wants to ensure your investment is as successful as possible. For instance, if most of your guests are couples, you might want to upgrade only one of the bedrooms. But if you have a large family, you can do both.

In addition to making the rooms more comfortable, you can add rugs or carpets. These will add comfort and warmth in winter and make the spaces more welcoming in summer. Wooden flooring is a good choice, but it will cost you a penny. If you cannot afford wood, you can always choose tiles or laminate / vinyl flooring. Both types of flooring will give your vacation rental an elegant look. By investing in these upgrades, you will improve the occupancy of your vacation rental property and attract more guests.

Upgrading the bedrooms of your vacation rental home can also help increase the occupancy of your property. Travelers want to escape their daily lives and enjoy a little luxury. Upgrading the furniture will make them feel more comfortable and attractive. The new furniture will also make the room look more purposefully designed, which will lead to more bookings and positive reviews. If you can provide your guests with a comfortable bed, you will be able to attract more guests and boost your nightly rates.

Decorate With Artificial Greenery in Vacation Rental Home

Using real plants in your vacation rental home can add a fresh touch to the space. Snake plants, philodendrons, aglaonemas, and Calathes are easy to maintain and can provide a soothing environment. They also improve the air quality in your rental property by producing more oxygen, absorbing toxins, and increasing humidity. In addition to looking great, they can be highly beneficial to your guests.

Nearly Natural sells faux floral and botanicals inspired by nature and crafted from high-quality materials. Explore our website for more ideas for accenting a vacation rental home with artificial greenery.

Consider opting for fake ferns as decorations on the walls and ceiling for the Christmas season. The artificial foliage doesn't produce heat, unlike neon signs. In addition, it is easy to replace and maintain, which makes it an ideal long-term choice.

A beautiful, real to the touch faux trees are a must for a vacation rental home. Although this may sound like a lot of work, it's worth the effort. Your guest will be delighted by the look of the holiday home and will be happy to return. They'll remember you for years to come. You'll be glad they did! You'll be glad you did! You'll be thrilled with the results!

Check out our vast array of artificial greenery and take your Airbnb rental to the next level. Follow us on social media to get inspired.

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